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Mind Therapy Clinic Webinars

The Mind Therapy Clinic provides continuing education webinars for mental health clinicians. We believe in a team approach to treating mental health. By working with a community of clinicians who share the same goal, we are at the forefront of innovative treatments, providing quality, outcome-based care. If you are a mental health clinician, we invite you to join our network of clinicians in these webinar series.

KAP, TMS, and ECT Treatments

Learn about the clinical applications of KAP, TMS, and ECT from Karen Palamos, LMFT, and Mark Schiller, MD.

Gain valuable knowledge on patient selection criteria, comparative effectiveness in treating treatment-resistant disorders, and optimal treatment protocols through engaging discussions and interactive presentations. Watch ON-DEMAND now.


Supporting Families: Intervention and Family Treatment

Join renowned family therapist Julie Sauber, PsyD, and certified interventionist Patricia Pike, LAADC, CADC-II, ICAADC & CIP, as they share their invaluable knowledge on mental health interventions and their profound impact on families.

This event is available for viewing on-demand.


The Role Medication Plays in Psychotherapy

Unleash the Power of Psychotherapy and Medication.  The escalating demand for mental health support is a defining trend. So, how do you maneuver through the evolving treatment landscape? Join Drs. Steven Batki, MD, Mark Schiller, MD, and Jack Van Bezooyen, MD as they delve into the cutting-edge insights on the synergy of medication and psychotherapy, sharing invaluable best practices. Catch the ON-DEMAND session now.


Emerging Therapies with Hallucinogens

Emerging Therapies with Hallucinogens

Through presentations and the use of interactive conversations, Jeff Devido, MD, and Martin Epson, MD will focus on four hallucinogens and neurobiological reasons for why they are emerging as effective treatment for addictive disorders.


Dr. Devido and Matt Blagys PhD

Co-occurring Disorders and Family’s Role

Addiction psychiatrist, Jeff Devido, MD, and Matt Blagys, PhD team up to discuss complex cases and how to help families when faced with difficult situations.


Grief Isn't Something to Get Over

Grief isn’t something to get over 

How can we best support a grieving friend or family member?

What are some practices we can develop so that grief becomes an integrated process in our lives and not just an “event”?