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Individual Psychotherapy

Evidence-based and Personalized Healing

At Mind Therapy Clinic, individual therapy is collaboratively designed by you and your therapist, focusing on your unique situation and needs. Our evidence-based, scientific approach is delivered by the best psychologists in the field, ensuring you receive the highest quality treatment based on the latest findings. Each therapist is specifically trained to address your concerns, whether everyday stress, relationships, or more complex diagnosed mental conditions.
Family Therapy
Psychiatric Medication Management
Technology-assisted, Psychiatric/Neuropsychological Evaluation
Education and Coaching
Intensive Outpatient Program
Partial Hospitalization Program
Trauma Treatment Program
Group Therapy - focuses on maintaining stability, stress reduction, emotional regulation, and interpersonal relationships.

Individual therapy helps adults struggling with:

Addiction and co-occurring problems such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, hallucinations, and other extreme mood problems
Severe psychotic symptoms such as thoughts of harming self and others, hallucinations, delusions, and schizophrenia
Substance abuse
Behavioral issues such as social anxiety, peer difficulties, impulsivity, and impaired academic performance
Difficulty moving forward into mature adulthood
Disordered eating including distorted body image
Low self-esteem
Family distress
Interpersonal and childhood trauma
Anger Management
Stress Management

Individual therapy helps adults struggling with:

This should be a set up on the MTC approach to group therapy along with weaving in the misconceptions. Family therapy can be combined with the integrated treatment programs at Mind Therapy Clinic.

Family therapy helps family situations involving:

General psychiatric evaluation
General psychiatric evaluation to determine if a person has a mental illness that needs a psychiatric care by asking questions, reviewing medical history and through lab tests.
Emergency evaluation
At times, emergency evaluation will be performed when the patient is agitated and uncooperative, violent and poses threat to self or other people or is confused or hallucinating.
Clinical consultation
Clinical consultation may also provide those who thinks they have a mental disorder or a family member who suspects their loved one is suffering, with diagnosis that may guide them to the right treatment.

Therapy Works

Our psychiatric services are integrated into our clients’ treatment plan to ensure the best therapeutic outcome. Aenean pellentesque sollicitudin dolor in molestie. Vestibulum risus dolor, mollis at leo ut, accumsan facilisis purus. Morbi at fermentum quam, quis vulputate odio. Vestibulum metus libero, elementum at convallis in, pellentesque eget ipsum. Aenean in massa nec justo condimentum ornare eu vel ex. Ut eleifend mattis tortor, at congue risus scelerisque eget. Quisque non libero at libero egestas vestibulum. Donec ac tincidunt purus.


Our psychiatric services are integrated into our clients’ treatment plan to ensure the best therapeutic outcome. Aenean pellentesque sollicitudin dolor in molestie. Vestibulum risus dolor, mollis at leo ut, accumsan facilisis purus. Morbi at fermentum quam, quis vulputate odio. Vestibulum metus libero, elementum at convallis in, pellentesque eget ipsum. Aenean in massa nec justo condimentum ornare eu vel ex. Ut eleifend mattis tortor, at congue risus scelerisque eget. Quisque non libero at libero egestas vestibulum. Donec ac tincidunt purus.


Our psychiatric services are integrated into our clients’ treatment plan to ensure the best therapeutic outcome. Aenean pellentesque sollicitudin dolor in molestie. Vestibulum risus dolor, mollis at leo ut, accumsan facilisis purus. Morbi at fermentum quam, quis vulputate odio. Vestibulum metus libero, elementum at convallis in, pellentesque eget ipsum. Aenean in massa nec justo condimentum ornare eu vel ex. Ut eleifend mattis tortor, at congue risus scelerisque eget. Quisque non libero at libero egestas vestibulum. Donec ac tincidunt purus.
Our psychiatric services are integrated into our clients’ treatment plan to ensure the best therapeutic outcome. Aenean pellentesque sollicitudin dolor in molestie. Vestibulum risus dolor, mollis at leo ut, accumsan facilisis purus. Morbi at fermentum quam, quis vulputate odio. Vestibulum metus libero, elementum at convallis in, pellentesque eget ipsum. Aenean in massa nec justo condimentum ornare eu vel ex. Ut eleifend mattis tortor, at congue risus scelerisque eget. Quisque non libero at libero egestas vestibulum. Donec ac tincidunt purus.


Individual therapy at the Mind Therapy Clinic is designed around your needs by some of the best psychologists in the field who’ve dedicated their lives to helping people overcome mental health challenges. Each therapist is trained specifically to help you with your unique issues whether they are everyday concerns such as stress and relationships, or more complex diagnosed mental conditions. Your therapy is determined by you and your therapist.
Anger Management
Relationship Problems
Difficulty Moving Forward
Grief Management
Stress Management
Self Esteem Builder
Substance Abuse
People who are struggling with addiction often experience anxiety, depression, and delusions. This is called a co-occurring disorder and it recognizes that substance use is often driven by underlying mental disorders.The term dual diagnosis also indicates that someone is struggling with both mental illness and substance use.

Hello World

Our psychiatric services are integrated into our clients’ treatment plan to ensure the best therapeutic outcome. Aenean pellentesque sollicitudin dolor in molestie. Vestibulum risus dolor, mollis at leo ut, accumsan facilisis purus. Morbi at fermentum quam, quis vulputate odio. Vestibulum metus libero, elementum at convallis in, pellentesque eget ipsum. Aenean in massa nec justo condimentum ornare eu vel ex. Ut eleifend mattis tortor, at congue risus scelerisque eget. Quisque non libero at libero egestas vestibulum. Donec ac tincidunt purus.

Therapeutic Outcome

Because you may need more intensive care from time to time, these therapies can be integrated with the Mind Therapy Clinic’s Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), and Trauma Treatment Programs at any point in time during your treatment.

Our Therapists

Therapy Groups